Implementasi Kriptografi AES-128 Untuk Mengamankan URL (Uniform Resource Locator) dari SQL Injection


  • Hamid Wijaya


URL, Cryptography, AES-128, SQL Injection


On a website there is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that contains the server address, protocol and file path used to provide information to users. At that URL, if no special handling is done in the form of encryption, it will be very vulnerable to hacking. One form of hacking that is done on a URL is to do a SQL injection attack. The form of SQL injection attacks is the act of entering a special code in the website URL so that it can make changes to the contents of the database. For that we need a way to prevent SQL injection attacks by applying cryptography. Cryptography used in this research is by applying AES-128 cryptography. To test the application of AES-128 cryptography the SQLmap application is used. The results of the application of AES-128 cryptography are URLs that have been encrypted so that they are safe from SQL injection attacks.


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