Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Konsentrasi Deterjen Dalam Air Baku Untuk Air Minum Terhadap Masyarakat di Pulau Barrang Lompo Kota Makassar
Detergent, Shallow Groundwater, Drinking Water, Environmental Health Risk AnalysisAbstract
People in small islands are especially vulnerable to the effects of rising global temperatures, pollution of the environment and sustainable management of fresh water. This study aimed to determine the level of health risks (Risk Quatient/RQ) of pollutant detergent of the inhabitants in Barrang Lompo Island. The research type was observational using design approach the analysis of the environmental health risk with samples of environmental as much as 4 samples and samples of humans as much as 8 respondents. Data were analyzed with EHRA methods and using Microsoft Excel and SPSS programs. The research results indicated that the average of the detergent concentration in the raw water for drinking water of respondents was 0.516 mg/l, and the highest detergent concentration was 1.281 mg/l. There are two of four samples that exceeded the maximum detergent concentration limits allowed by Permenkes No. 492 in 2010 for drinking water requirements. The risk level of consumption of drinking water containing detergent residues indicated that all respondents have rated the risk level of less than 1 (RQ ≤1).
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