Identifikasi Pengaruh Intrusi Air Laut Terhadap Kedalaman Pemboran Air Tanah Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik di Kota Makassar


  • La Ode Muh. Yazid Amsah -


Drillling, Intrusion, Resistivity, Makassar


Groundwater is water that is contained in layers of soil or rocks below the surface of the soil. Salt water intrusion or infiltration into aquifers on land is basically the process of entry of subsurface sea water through aquifers on land or coastal areas. This study aims to determine the distribution of rock resistivity values ​​to determine the effect of sea water intrusion on groundwater drilling. The method used in this study includes research methods in the field and research in the laboratory. The results of the study that the influence of sea water intrusion with a resistivity value of 0.2 Ohm.m - 10 Ohm.m, so that the drilling target is at a depth of 60-80 meters with a resistivity value> 1561 Ohm.m.


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