Pencantuman Disclaimer dalam Transaksi E-Commerce Ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen


  • Rachmat Taibu Ilmu Hukum Unidayan


Law, Consumers, Electronic Transactions


This research aims to: (1) indentify and explain the arrangements regarding the inclusion of the disclaimer in e-commerce transaction in Indonesia. (2) indentify and explain the legal protection of the consumer with regard to the inclusion of the disclaimer in e-commerce transaction by businesses. The method applied in this thesis is a normative legal research using statutory and analytical approach to legal concepts. Legal materials used were primary legal materials in the form of legislation, secondary legal materials in the form of literature related to the problems and the tertiary materials were legal dictionary and articles found in electronic format. Those legal materials were collected and classified based on the problems formulated through a snowball system and the data were analyzed in descriptive and evaluative method. Based on the results of a study of the problem, setting disclaimer in electronic transactions (e-commerce) in Indonesia is not yet clear, however, if the terms of the protection of consumers in general in UUPK disclaimer categorized as an exoneration clause. Form of legal protection of the consumer relation to the inclusion of a disclaimer in electronic transactions (e-commerce) is the protection preventively and repressively protection. To the Government through the relevant ministries to immediately establish Reliability Certification Institute (LSK) as Case Trust in Singapore, so as to protect the rights of Internet consumers in Indonesia are doing business / electronic transactions (e-commerce). For consumers in Indonesia in order to more thoroughly before making electronic transactions (e-commerce), read well the instructions in the web site includes understanding the contents of the disclaimer in specified businesses to create a sense of security in the transaction.


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