The Dictions Used in English Speaking By Students of Educational Study Program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University
Dictions, English, StudentsAbstract
The problem statements of this research were what dictions used in English Speaking by the students of Educational Study Program of DayanuIkhsanuddin University and what are likely to cause the diction used in English Speaking by the students of Educational Study Program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University. This research applied a qualitative research, categorized as a case study. Two kinds of instruments of collecting data were used; observation and interview. In analyzing the data, the researcher used three steps inner activities analysis; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings of the research were the students had wrong dictions. The wrong case such as waste phrase, meaningless, out of part of speech, blur meaning, doesn’t fit in a sentence, and others. The students had wrong dictions because they did not know that is wrong, did not realize it wrong word and still cannot separated from Indonesia form.
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