Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Manajemen Pemerintahan
(Studi Kasus Lurah Waliabuku)
Kepemimpinan, Manajemen PemerintahanAbstract
The title of the research is Women's Leadership in Government management, Case Study of Waliabuku Village. The purpose of this study is to describe the success of women's leadership in the management of the Waliabuku village chief in Bungi City, Baubau district, where she is a female headman in Baubau City. The research design used is a qualitative descriptive to produce valid information about the success of Women's Leadership in Government management and then it is carried out with several data analysis techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of qualitative analysis in this study indicate that the success of women's leadership in government management shows that the leadership of the Waliabuku lurah is said to be successful, this can be seen in: 1) increasing production results and improving service results, 2) tidiness of the administrative system and management effectiveness, and 3) increasing human activities. the ability to manage well this can be seen in governance or governance including 1) participation, 2) rule of law, 3) transparency, 4) responsiveness, 5) consensus orientation, 6) effectiveness and efficiency, 7) accountability runs optimally in implementation of his government. However, for the sake of improving good management, there are a number of things that need to be suggested, the need for the application of leadership principles within the scope of the kelurahan area which is indicated by accountability, namely the performance report of the lurah as a leader in the kelurahan and more real transparency in the community. There needs to be guidance, motivation and fostering supervision of the performance of village officials in providing services to the community so that public services are better and more effective and efficient.
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