Students’ Ability in Arranging Conversation Based on the Context of Situation Offered by Teacher


  • La Mido FKIP, Unidayan Baubau


Conversation, Students’ Ability, English Teacher


The problem of this research is “How is the students’ ability at SMPN 10 Buton Tengah in arranging conversation based on the context of situation offered by teacher?”This research aimed to find out the student’s ability in arranging conversation based on the context of situation offered by teacher. The population was 2017/2018 eight grade students of SMPN 10 Buteng. The total sample as the respondent of this research is 40 respondents who were taken by using purposive random sampling. The instrument of the research used the objective test, which consist of 10 items of multiple choices test and one item of essay test form focused on the arranging conversation and the technique used in analyzing the data was using descriptive quantitative analysis with the aim at knowing the student’s ability in arranging conversation offered by teacher. The result  showed that the students’ ability in arranging conversation based on the context of situation offered by teacher as follow: 60% students were able and 40% were unable, the average score is 57.5 and the score showed 90 as the highest score and 20 as the lowest score. The difficulties in Arranging Conversation Based on the Context of Situation Offered by Teacher are lack of vocabularies, lack of knowledge in translation, reading, and lack of in relating the sentences  to the  context of situation.



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