The Impact of social skills in Teaching Speaking
Teaching Speaking, Impact of Social Skills, English Education StudentsAbstract
The goal in this research were to identify The Impact of Social skills by the lecturer in teaching speaking. The Research used a descriptive qualitative research design. The instrument of this study involved interview, observation, and documentation. The subject of this research is a lecturer who teached speaking to students. The data analysed as employed based on procedured of data analysis suggested by Miles and Huberman (2014). consisted of step data reduction, display, and conclution. The result of this research showed that there were some social skill that lecturer impacted in teaching speaking in verbal and nonverbal communication. , namely; discipline, respect, responsibility, self confidence, tolerance, honest and responsibility, curious, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, and communication skill. Based on the impacted of social skill, the lecturer manner to transfer his social skill with smile, sometimes did joke in the classroom. The impact of lecturer social skills in students’ speaking skill is very fluency based on the interview of the students. Most of them said have impcat for them to be good and more self confidence, social skill also make student want to be public speaker, more better relationship, better communication, greater efficiency, increase overall happiness, and more empathy.
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