A Study of Students' Problems in Listening Comprehension
Listening Comprehension, Students’ Ability, English Listening ProblemsAbstract
The objectives of this research are : (1) to know if there are problems at the third semester students of English Department at UMU BUTON Baubau have in learning listening comprehension, and (2) to know the students’ ability of the third semester of English Department at UMU BUTON Baubau in answering the oral text spoken through listening comprehension. The scope of this research was focused on “The students’ problems in listening comprehension at the third semester of English Department at UMU BUTON Baubau in vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar”. The design that used in this research was a descriptive qualitative design; it meant only to describe the students’ problems at the third semester of English Department at UMU BUTON Baubau in listening comprehension through the oral text, and the sample that was taken in this research was 10 students. The techniques that were used in collecting the data in this research were divided into three parts; they were as follows: observation, essay tests and questionnaire. The technique that was used in analyzing the data about the students’ problems in listening comprehension at the third semester of English Department at UMU BUTON Baubau, the writer used a descriptive qualitative analysis (through percentage). The result indicated that (1) the third semester students of English Education Study Program have some problems in listening comprehension after through the stages of listening tests distributed to them, and (2) there are some problems in listening comprehension faced or experienced by the third semester of English Department; they are: (a) problems on vocabularies, (b) problems on word pronunciations, (c) problems on grammars, (d) problems on vocabulary meaning, (e) problems on the lack of concentration during listening, (f) problems on the lack of listening practice, and (g) problems on the speed of the speaker’s pronunciation.
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