Upaya Masyarakat dan Pemerintah dalam Mencegah Kepunahan Bahasa Daerah untuk Menghadapi Tantangan Revolusi Industri di Era 4.0
Effort, Defense, Regional Language, MunaAbstract
This study aims to describe the role of society and government in preventing the extinction of local languagesto face the challenges of the 4.0 era. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research comes from Muna language speakers who come, live, and stay in Muna Regency. The technique used in data collection was done by means of structured interviews with informants. The data analysis in this study used a sociolinguistic approach. The results of this study indicate that the Muna community, especially in Parigi District, people who speak the Muna language in their family, the surrounding environment and the speakers themselves, for example between parents and children, friends still survive, coupled with the government's efforts to apply the eye. Local content lessons with regional language material to be reactivated to be implemented in every school. The conclusion of this study is in an effort to maintain the regional language of muna (wuna), both teenagers and children in their daily interactions using their first language (mother tongue). Furthermore, this effort has also received support from the local government by implementing a curriculum that requires the return of Muna as a compulsory subject.
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