Need Assessment Kawasan Tanpa Rokok Di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Dayanu Ikhsanuddin Baubau
Need Assessment, Cigarette, KTRAbstract
Current health problems such as smoking is a difficult problem to solve in society. Smoking can cause cigarette smoke that is harmful to health for both active smokers and passive smokers. Law Number 36 concerning Health is not yet strong enough to protect the rights of every individual to avoid cigarette smoke, so currently every region must make a Perda on Non-Smoking Areas. Need assessment becomes the basis before formulating a policy. The purpose of this study is to find out how much policy is needed related to Non-Smoking Areas (KTR) for students of the Faculty of Public Health, Dayanu Ikhsanuddin Baubau University in 2019. This type of research method is a quantitative research with an observational design and a descriptive approach. The sample of this study was 75 students, with a simple random sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from primary and secondary data. The collected data is then processed by data processing, namely editing, coding, entry, and tabulating. The results of this study indicate that in terms of student knowledge regarding KTR appeals which are classified as sufficient as much as 72%, student attitudes about KTR appeals which are classified as good as much as 96%, actions that describe KTR which are classified as good as much as 96% and student expectations related to KTR which are classified as good. as much as 100%. The conclusion in this study is that the knowledge, attitudes, actions and expectations of FKM UNIDAYAN students regarding KTR are quite good. It is hoped that this research can be the basis, reference, and basis for the University, the Health Service, and the City Government in formulating and establishing policies regarding KTR so that all people can be protected from exposure to cigarette smoke
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