The Correlation Between Teacher's Teaching Style and Students' Motivation to Learn English in SMPN 29 Buton
Application, Cambridge Electric, Dictionary, PronunciationAbstract
This research aims to find out whether or not students’ motivation to learn English significantly correlated with teacher’s teaching style and what was the level of their correlation, if any. This is a quantitative correlational research as it is to measure the empirical level of influence of teacher’s teaching style on students’ motivation to learn English in numerical quantification through a statistical analysis and as it attempts to clarify patterns of relationship between teacher’s teaching style and students’ motivation to learn English through coefficient correlation. This research was conducted in 2020 in SMPN 29 BUTON with the total population of 90 students of grade IX of SMPN 29 BUTON in academic year of 2019/2020. This study employed cluster probability sampling technique to secure more accurate generalization of the research results. Two types of questionnaire were used that is Teaching Style Survey by Grasha-Riechmann and Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) by Gardner. The result of the analysis showed that coefficient correlation between students’ motivation to learn and teacher’s teaching style was 1.000, and the hypothesis testing was in the significance level less than 0.01 (< 0.01), indicating there was a strong correlation between the students’ motivation and teacher’s teaching style.
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