Surveillance, BPOM, Dangerous coemetic retailingAbstract
This research is motivated by the many findings of illegal cosmetics in Baubau City, in this case the government through the Ministry of Health issued the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1175/MENKES/PER/VIII/2010 listed in Article 2 paragraph (1) Cosmetics in circulation must meet quality, safety and usefulness requirements. (2) The quality, safety and usefulness requirements as referred to in paragraph (1) are in accordance with the Indonesian Cosmetics Codex and other requirements stipulated by the Minister. This is done as a form of regulation regarding regulatory and licensing requirements that must be met by every business actor before selling a cosmetic product and that cosmetics circulated and traded by cosmetic business actors to consumers must provide beneficial results for consumers who buy and use them. However, there are still many cosmetic business actors who commit violations in distributing cosmetics even though they are dangerous intentionally for personal gain, especially in buying and selling cosmetic products that are dangerous but can get labels from BPOM. This research uses normative legal methods. The research results are as follows: (1) Balai POM in conducting supervision of illegal cosmetics conducts supervisory actions on objects that become places of circulation of cosmetics, such as salons and markets of Baubau city traders, (2) Balai POM in Baubau in conducting supervision of cosmetics in Baubau city, (3) Balai POM in Baubau city conducts supervision of cosmetics in Baubau city.
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